ADHD Recovery Bergen County NJ

There is a misconception that ADHD is treatable only with a variety of pharmaceutical solutions that include potentially dangerous amphetamines. Unfortunately, while ADHD medications are effective in reducing the severity of symptoms, they do not correct the medical condition or distracting behaviors. Sometimes cognitive behavioral therapy is accompanied by medications as a more comprehensive approach, but once again, there is no diagnosis or treatment plan for the underlying cause of the disorder. At the MedWell Center for Chronic Condition Recovery, we believe in treating the whole person with non-stimulant solutions for ADHD Recovery.

Signs of Adult ADHD and ADD

  • Chronically Late for Important Events
  • Trouble Prioritizing and Starting Tasks
  • Difficulty Controlling Anger
  • Blurting Out Rude or Insulting Comments
  • Intense Focus on Enjoyable Activities
  • Difficulty Keeping Mind on Boring Tasks
  • Distractions Interfere with Task Completion
  • Boredom, Restlessness and Anxiety

Our mission is to help individuals and families to overcome the frustrations associated with managing a personality disorder through our accurate diagnosis of the problem and evidence-based approach to formulating an effective treatment plan. Coping with the symptoms of ADHD can be frustrating in itself, but you cannot jump to the conclusion that you or a loved one has ADHD. Moreover, virtually all of the symptoms of the disorder are also common in other medical conditions. For example, restlessness, anxiety, sleep disorders, poor concentration and depression are all signs of thyroid hormone imbalances. To learn more about our Adderall addiction treatment program for ADHD recovery, contact MedWell to schedule a FREE, no-obligations consultation.

ADHD Recovery

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